/* Thanks For Taking The Time To Find Me! */ /* TEAM */ Title: Tom Miller Job: Web Dev Location: Derbyshire, United Kingdom /* HISTORY */ Site Launched: 2017/05/06 Migrated to diseworth.uk: 2020/05/30 Village Weather Data Addd: 2023/10/19 Added Publications: 2023/10/26 /* SITE */ Last update: 2023/04/02 Last Change: Update Calendar and Contacts Version: 1.15.1 Standards: HTML, CSS, JS, dash (Debian Almquist shell) Software: VSCodium (vscodium.com), Git (git-scm.com), ImageMagick (imagemagick.org), Ghostscript (ghostscript.com) Weather API: Weather Underground (wunderground.com), aqicn (aqicn.org) Icons: Nerd Fonts (nerdfonts.com) CDN: Cloudflare (cloudflare.com) Hosting: Cloudflare Pages (pages.cloudflare.com) Versioning: Gitlab (gitlab.com) SEO & Accessability: Sa11y (sa11y.netlify.app), Lighthouse (developer.chrome.com/docs/lighthouse/)